About Us
The Common Table Drop-In Program is a grassroots community effort run out of Church of the Redeemer, which relies on volunteers and donors. We are open for both indoor and outside service from Monday to Friday. Indoors, we offer two healthy meals a day, daily toiletry supplies, basic health care services and housing referrals. We also provide social and creative activities, psychotherapy, support groups and more.
In response to COVID-19, we began to offer outside services such as meals and washroom and phone access. We also began going out on the streets beyond the church building with carts, seeking others who might need help. Many were served this way, and so we will continue to make available both the outside meals and the outreach carts.
We connect with 100 to 140 people each day, through meals and the meeting of other basic physical necessities. Even more significantly, we offer a place of peace, where stories are shared, voices are heard, and relationships are established. In short, Common Table is a community to belong to.
We are grateful for our neighbourhood partners, donors, advocates and volunteers, who make our program possible.
Watch our new video to see us in action: Common Table – Building a More Compassionate Community – YouTube
Donate today by clicking here
We have a number of different opportunities for people to become involved as volunteers. These include food preparation or serving, shopping, donation pick-ups, friendly conversation, group facilitation, nursing care, and sorting. We adhere to strict COVID safety protocols and also ask that our volunteers are at least double vaccinated to protect our community. New volunteers are welcome.
Volunteer Application Form - The Common Table
Please answer the questions down below to apply to be a volunteer at The Common Table.
In-kind Donations!
Donations of various kinds are always appreciated. We keep a small clothing closet for emergencies and are often in need of the following items.
- Grocery Bags
- Men’s and women’s socks (new)
- Men’s briefs (new) – medium, large, and extra large
- Men’s long underwear (new) – medium, large and extra large
- Mitts and gloves
- Men’s pants – 32, 34, 36,
- Men’s sweatpants – medium, large and extra large
- Men’s hoodies – medium, large and extra large
- Hot Pockets
Financial support will be gratefully received through CanadaHelps.
Common Table Community Advocacy
Invitation to Advocacy
We at Church of the Redeemer are deeply committed to social justice ministries along with our outreach to the marginalized, most visibly through Common Table. Throughout the pandemic, dedicated staff and volunteers have maintained a continuous service of feeding and caring for people experiencing homelessness, supported by your financial contributions.
While continuing to respond to basic needs, members of Common Table staff advocate within the neighbourhood and beyond for the concerns of the marginalized.
We want to expand our advocacy reach to connecting with owners and staff of nearby businesses and being a strong voice in speaking with politicians. We would welcome your support in this vital advocacy work. Writing letters to representatives from all three levels of government will amplify our voices and concerns and increase the possibility of action on the part of governments. Letter-writing is an action people can make from home. Please join in this initiative and help make a difference to the most vulnerable among us.
Follow us on Instagram, and Facebook.