Mid-day Prayer
OnlineJoin members of the community for mid-day prayer on Zoom at 12:15 PM. For about 20 minutes we pause to hear scripture read and to pray for what’s on our hearts and for the cares and concerns of the world. The Zoom link will be sent out through eNews. You may find it helpful to […]
Mid-day Prayer
OnlineJoin members of the community for mid-day prayer on Zoom at 12:15 PM. For about 20 minutes we pause to hear scripture read and to pray for what’s on our hearts and for the cares and concerns of the world. The Zoom link will be sent out through eNews. You may find it helpful to […]
Grieving and Condolence: Reflections on Light, Past and Present
On Saturday, November 4 at 1:30 PM our Visiting Indigenous Scholar, University of Toronto Law Professor Douglas Sanderson (Amo Binashii) from Opaskwayak Cree Nation will give a talk to stimulate and move us all. Professor Sanderson is a popular and engaging speaker, author of Valley of the Birdtail: An Indian Reserve, A White Town, and […]
Sunday Worship Online at 9 AM: All Saints Day
OnlineGathering online, our virtual doors open at 8.45 AM for conversation. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join in through Zoom as the community prepares for worship together. At 9 AM, a simple service of Spiritual Communion is offered. A homily, hymns and prayers are the foundation of this service. Linger afterwards for […]
Sunday Explorations – Becoming of Age: Living Life on Your Own Terms
Audrey Danaher will talk about her recent book. Audrey has drawn on her own experiences and insights of what it's like to move into the third stage of life. Her thought-provoking reflections challenge us to welcome new possibilities, at a time in life when we need to claim our voices, create our own paths, and […]
Sunday Worship at 10:30 AM: All Saints Day
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaArrive early to enjoy a cup of coffee and a snack as part of the pre-service fellowship. At 10:30 AM, we gather for worship: a homily, hymns, and choral music and the Eucharist are the foundation of this service. Linger afterwards for a time of fellowship. The service is also available on our YouTube channel. As […]
Our Home and Treaty Land (Sundays)
Your Indigenous Solidarity Working Group is inviting you to take part in a book group beginning late October and running for three sessions. Our Home and Treaty Land: Walking Our Creation Story is written by Raymond Aldred and Matthew Anderson. Aldred is the director of the Indigenous Studies Program at the Vancouver School of Theology. […]
All Souls Eucharist
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaWe remember those whom we have loved, and who have loved us, and we no longer see. This Sung Eucharist for All Souls will include the names of the faithful departed. If you are joining in online, please have a candle available for the commemoration, if you wish. The service will also be available through […]
Compline – Online
OnlineThe community gathers for a short service of Compline - the church's tradition of bedtime prayer - through Zoom on Sunday nights at 8 PM and send each other off about 20-minutes later. Please join in as often as you are able. The link and phone numbers for the service will be sent out by […]
Mid-day Prayer
OnlineJoin members of the community for mid-day prayer on Zoom at 12:15 PM. For about 20 minutes we pause to hear scripture read and to pray for what’s on our hearts and for the cares and concerns of the world. The Zoom link will be sent out through eNews. You may find it helpful to […]