Mid-Day Prayer
Join members of the community for mid-day prayer on Zoom at 12:15 PM. For about 20 minutes we pause to hear scripture read and to pray for what’s on our hearts and for the cares and concerns of the world. The Zoom link will be sent out through eNews. You may find it helpful to […]
Mid-Day Prayer
Join members of the community for mid-day prayer on Zoom at 12:15 PM. For about 20 minutes we pause to hear scripture read and to pray for what’s on our hearts and for the cares and concerns of the world. The Zoom link will be sent out through eNews. You may find it helpful to […]
Sunday Worship Online at 9AM
OnlineGathering online, our virtual doors open at 8.45 AM for conversation. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join in through Zoom as the community prepares for worship together. At 9 AM, a simple service of Spiritual Communion is offered. A homily, hymns and prayers are the foundation of this service. Linger afterwards for […]
Spiritual, Not Religious
The Redeemer (lower level) 162 Bloor St W, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaAs many people move away from institutional religion toward more personal and experiential paths, this phrase has become increasingly familiar. How do you respond to it? Does it seem foreign to your own experience, or can you relate personally to why people would use it to describe their outlook? How can we talk respectfully with […]
Sunday Worship at 10:30 AM
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaAt 10:30 AM, we gather for worship: through scripture, song, homily and the Eucharist the season after the Epiphany is marked. Linger afterwards for a time of fellowship. The service is also live-streamed through our YouTube channel. As we move into cold and flu season as well as increasing COVID case counts, wearing a mask […]
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaOur candlelit Taizé services feature the music and prayers from the Taizé monastic community in France. Music, readings, silence, and prayer are woven through the liturgy. Join us for this peace-filled way to end the weekend and prepare for the week ahead. The service will also be available through our YouTube channel. The Bulletin for […]
Compline – Online
OnlineThe community gathers for a short service of Compline - the church's tradition of bedtime prayer - through Zoom on Sunday nights at 8 PM and send each other off about 20-minutes later. Please join in as often as you are able. The link and phone numbers for the service will be sent out by […]
Mid-Day Prayer
Join members of the community for mid-day prayer on Zoom at 12:15 PM. For about 20 minutes we pause to hear scripture read and to pray for what’s on our hearts and for the cares and concerns of the world. The Zoom link will be sent out through eNews. You may find it helpful to […]
Mid-Day Prayer
Join members of the community for mid-day prayer on Zoom at 12:15 PM. For about 20 minutes we pause to hear scripture read and to pray for what’s on our hearts and for the cares and concerns of the world. The Zoom link will be sent out through eNews. You may find it helpful to […]
Tuesday Meditation Group
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaThe Tuesday Meditation Group meets for half an hour, starting at 12:15 PM in the chancel. Join in this peaceful mid-week reflection as often as you are able. If you have any questions, please contact Lilian.