Sunday Worship Online at 9AM
OnlineAt 9 AM, we gather online to enter more deeply into the prayer and stillness of Advent through song, scripture and reflection. Today is Advent 1C in the liturgical year. Linger afterwards for a time of fellowship. Join us on Zoom To prepare for the service: The Readings for Advent 1 Things you will need […]
Sunday Explorations
The Redeemer (lower level) 162 Bloor St W, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaSunday Explorations is our occasional series of discussions on selected topics, Scriptural reflection, book talks, and more on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM in the Board Room downstairs (with coffee on offer). The sessions are a wonderful chance to get to know one another better and to share questions, concerns, and insights about our faith and […]
Sunday Worship at 10:30 AM
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaAt 10:30 AM, we gather for worship: through scripture, song, homily and the Eucharist the Sundays of the season of Advent are marked. Linger afterwards for a time of fellowship. The service is also live-streamed through our YouTube channel. As we move into cold and flu season as well as the presence of COVID, wearing […]
Advent Carol Service
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaThe Advent season begins with our Advent Carol service. Poetry and readings are woven through this beloved service of anthems and carols. We invite you to journey with us through Advent. The service will also be live-streamed through YouTube. Things you will need for the service: The Bulletin for Advent Carol Service at 7 PM […]
Compline – Online
OnlineThe community gathers for a short service of Compline - the church's tradition of bedtime prayer - through Zoom on Sunday nights at 8 PM and send each other off about 20-minutes later. Please join in as often as you are able. The link and phone numbers for the service will be sent out by […]
Tuesday Meditation Group
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaThe Tuesday Meditation Group meets for half an hour, starting at 12:15 PM in the chancel. Join in this peaceful mid-week reflection as often as you are able. If you have any questions, please contact Lilian.
Prayers from Home
OnlineAll are invited to a time of prayer each Wednesday when a printed order for daily prayer will be posted on the website early in the morning. It will contain all you need for a time of prayer in your home. This is an opportunity for each of us to set aside time in the […]
Mid-week Eucharist
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaA quiet weekday service in the middle of the day. We gather in the chancel (the space at the front of the church) to hear a short homily, to receive bread and wine blessed and shared, and to be sent back out into the world.
Sunday Worship Online at 9AM
OnlineAt 9 AM, we gather online to enter more deeply into the prayer and stillness of Advent through song, scripture and reflection. Today is Advent 2C in the liturgical year. Linger afterwards for a time of fellowship. Join us on Zoom To prepare for the service: The Readings for Advent 2 Things you will need […]
Sunday Explorations
The Redeemer (lower level) 162 Bloor St W, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaSunday Explorations is our occasional series of discussions on selected topics, Scriptural reflection, book talks, and more on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM in the Board Room downstairs (with coffee on offer). The sessions are a wonderful chance to get to know one another better and to share questions, concerns, and insights about our faith and […]