Learning@Redeemer invites all to share the journey of Advent in a series of weekly meditative walks. The themes of the walks will follow the themes of the four candles of the Advent wreath: hope, peace, joy, and love, respectively, and finally, the Christ candle.
A focus for meditation from a member of our community, based on the text of an Advent hymn, forms the basis of the pilgrimage. You are invited to follow the suggested route, on your own time, either in person if you can do that safely, or as a reflection from your home.
I Wonder As I Wander: Advent Pilgrimage Walk by Paul Pynkoski – Advent 1 Pilgrimage Walk Advent Icons
I Wonder As I Wander: Advent Pilgrimage Walks for Advent 2 by David Burt –Advent 2 Pilgrimage Walk Advent Peace
I Wonder As I Wander: Advent Pilgrimage Walks for Advent 3 by Karen Visser and Craig Spielmacher – Advent 3 Pilgrimage Walk Advent Joy
I Wonder As I Wander: Advent Pilgrimage Walks for Advent 4 by Richard Van Delft and AJ Finlay – Advent 4 Pilgrimage Walk Advent Love