The Common Table is one of 11 charities chosen as possible recipients of a donation in an art competition called A Big Picture. Those who are hosting this contest offer the following explanation for why they are doing this: As we find our communities in the midst of a challenging time, we want to create an opportunity to spread messages of positivity and hope, while extending financial aid to worthy causes that are helping those in need.
Originally open only to children under the age of 12, there is now a young-at-heart category. Pull out the art supplies and submit your best work by 8 PM Sunday, May 10. Competition rules and how to submit your contribution can be found on the website for A Big Picture – and remember to name the Common Table as your charity of choice to receive the donation should your piece of art win!
Once you have submitted your masterpiece, please email a picture of it so that we can share it on our Facebook page and Instagram account.
Happy art-making!