We asked and you responded with ‘more than we can ask or imagine’. Over 165 donors have contributed to “Sustaining Ministries” and “Common Table COVID-19!
Your generosity encourages us in these anything-but-ordinary circumstances to be Church in new ways. Our ministry team and leaders are providing worship, pastoral care and support to individuals, families, youth and young adults. Using their creativity and ingenuity they are connecting with those who call Redeemer their spiritual home.
A Snapshot of Your Generosity
In addition, three donations were received for the Common Table at the office totalling $10,500 increasing our donations to $55,037.11. This includes three donations of more than $5,000 and ten donations of more than $1,000. Added to this, two members have signed up to be monthly donors through CanadaHelps!
Learning More About the Redeemer Community
We invite you to Redeemer’s creative, inspiring worship and listen to past sermons by going to our website.
How to Receive the Latest Updates
All of the latest information about services and how we are gathering for Church School, Youth, Young Adults and Marginalia-Church school for adults is in eNews. You can sign-up for eNews – or invite friends and family to sign-up here.
Life at the Common Table
At the Common Table, our “outdoor café” continues to feed about 125 people daily, offering hot, nutritious meals thanks to a dedicated team of volunteers and community partners. Our outreach volunteers check-in with community members and provide vital updates around what is happening related to COVID-19.
We are grateful for your financial support, prayers and encouragement to continue being Christ-like at this time of trial. Please let the Stewardship Team know if you have any questions or comments by sending us an email.
Our ability to continue to offer outreach support through the Common Table and prayerful presence to the whole community is possible thanks to the generous donations of parishioners and friends of the community. If you would like to share in this on-going work, your gifts are gratefully received. Thank you for your generosity.