Come and See Who God is Calling Us to Be!
The Come and See Vision Group is inviting all of us to work together to discern God’s call for our community since so much has changed since the pandemic in the world and society, in our neighbourhood, and in the Redeemer community. They have planned a series of gatherings that are an opportunity to contemplate and contribute prayerful insights through a process developed by The Rev’d Paige Souter and Susan Graham Walker, ODT. These sessions will be facilitated by members of our community who are gifted in leading these kinds of conversations.
While you are welcome to participate in more than one session, you do not need to participate in all of them. Choose the one that best suits your calendar and be part of this exciting time in our parish. For the two sessions in the church, lunch will be provided so we do need to know how many people to expect so that we can have enough food for all who join in.
Ready to register? Click on the button below for the session you want to join.
Thank you for being part of the conversation.