Good Friday
Friday, April 18, 12:00pm
We gather in the church building and online through YouTube to hear the story of Jesus’ death on the cross and are invited to draw near; choral music, readings, a sermon, veneration of the cross and communion from reserved sacrament give shape to this worship service. As the service draws to a close, the space will be given over for a time of prayer with the Stations of the Cross, prepared by the children of the community, for those who wish to continue in prayer and devotion.
During the service, the children of the community will gather with Lor to continue their journey through Holy Week.
To prepare for the service: The Readings for Good Friday
The bulletin and details for the Stations of the Cross will be posted before the service.
Our ability to continue to offer outreach support through the Common Table and prayerful presence to the whole community is possible thanks to the generous donations of parishioners and friends of the community. If you would like to share in this on-going work, your gifts are gratefully received. Thank you for your generosity.