ReconciliAction Symposium
Saturday, May 24, 12:00pm
It’s been ten years since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and their 94 Calls to Action. Little progress has been made What is the wider commitment to change across Canada? Where do we go from here? Join us for an afternoon of engaging presentations and discussion with three prominent leaders from the First Nations’ community:
Douglas Sanderson – of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation is a UofT law professor and visiting Indigenous Scholar at Church of the Redeemer for the past three years. He will explore the Spirit of Reconciliation.
Douglas Sinclair – of the Peguis First Nation of Manitoba, is publisher, Indigenous Watchdog. He will take a look at how far we have come on the calls to action, his theme is Progress or Inaction?
Rosalyn Elm – chaplain from Six Nations, will begin with prayer then summarize the afternoon, and then lead a discussion on where we go from here, and what actions still need to be taken.
The Indigenous Solidarity Working Group of the Church of the Redeemer is hosting this opportunity to listen, learn, and enjoy lunch catered by a First Nations chef. A traditional smudging ceremony will open the sessions. There is no charge to attend, donations are welcome.
Registration will be available in the coming weeks.