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Season of Creation: Worship Online at 9 AM
Sunday, October 8, 2023, 8:45am
Gathering online, our virtual doors open at 8.45 AM for conversation. Bring a cup of coffee or tea and join in through Zoom as the community prepares for worship together. At 9 AM, a service with a homily, hymns and prayers is the foundation of this service. Linger afterwards for a time of fellowship.
We are in the Season of Creation. Today’s theme is “Listen to the Voices of Land.” We welcome Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat as our preacher as we continue this year’s Season of Creation. Sylvia is a founder of Bible Remixed, offering courses and workshops at the intersection of biblical faith and radical discipleship. An activist and a long-time member of the parish, Sylvia lives at Russet House Farm, an off-grid permaculture farm. She frequently speaks to groups on topics related to the Bible and economic justice and climate catastrophe, as well as permaculture, forest gardening and pollinators.
To join us on Zoom, please use this link.
To prepare for the service: The readings are The First Story of Creation parts 1-3; Psalm 107.1-3, 35-38; Hymn of the Universe, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin; John 6.26-35
Things you will need for the service: The Bulletin for Season of Creation: Listen to the Voices of Land – 9 AM
Our ability to gather for worship, fellowship and formation and to support the many outreach ministries that are integral to our call to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world is possible thanks to the generous donations of parishioners and friends of the community. If you would like to share in this ongoing work, your gifts are gratefully received. Thank you for your generosity.