Advent Chapel
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaIn this season of Advent we gather to pray for peace - in our world, in our lives - as we wait and watch for the Holy One. Through readings, song and prayer and the lighting of candles we set this time apart from the busyness of our days. Our ability to continue to offer […]
I Wonder as I Wander: Walking Together Wednesday Evenings in Advent
Redeemer: Outdoors 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, CanadaOnce again this Advent, Redeemer Explorers invites you to join fellow travellers each Wednesday in Advent for a guided evening candlelit walk of 45 to 60 minutes. The walks will begin at 5:30 PM, setting out from and returning to Redeemer. Gather inside the doors, ahead of our 5:30 departure from the front steps of […]
Sunday Worship Online at 9AM
OnlineAt 9 AM, we gather online to enter more deeply into the prayer and stillness of Advent through song, scripture and reflection. Today is Advent 2B in the liturgical year. Linger afterwards for a time of fellowship. To join us on Zoom, please use this link. To prepare for the service: The Readings for Advent […]
Sunday Worship at 10:30 AM
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaAt 10:30 AM, we gather for worship: through scripture, song, homily and the Eucharist the Sundays of the season of Advent are marked. Linger afterwards for a time of fellowship. The service is also live-streamed through our YouTube channel. As we move into cold and flu season as well as increasing COVID case counts, wearing […]
Advent Chapel – No Service Today
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaWe will not gather for prayer today as we give over the space in support of our Common Table program. Our ability to continue to offer outreach support through the Common Table and prayerful presence to the whole community is possible thanks to the generous donations of parishioners and friends of the community. If you […]
I Wonder as I Wander: Walking Together Wednesday Evenings in Advent
Redeemer: Outdoors 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, CanadaOnce again this Advent, Redeemer Explorers invites you to join fellow travellers each Wednesday in Advent for a guided evening candlelit walk of 45 to 60 minutes. The walks will begin at 5:30 PM, setting out from and returning to Redeemer. Gather inside the doors, ahead of our 5:30 departure from the front steps of […]
Sunday Worship Online at 9AM
OnlineAt 9 AM, we gather online to enter more deeply into the prayer and stillness of Advent through song, scripture and reflection. Today is Advent 3B in the liturgical year. Linger afterwards for a time of fellowship. To join us on Zoom, please use this link. To prepare for the service: The Readings for Advent […]
Sunday Worship at 10:30 AM
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaAt 10:30 AM, we gather for worship: through scripture, song, homily and the Eucharist the Sundays of the season of Advent are marked. Linger afterwards for a time of fellowship. The service is also live-streamed through our YouTube channel. As we move into cold and flu season as well as increasing COVID case counts, wearing […]
Bach Vespers
Beautiful choral music, prayers and readings are woven together in our Bach Vespers service. Join us for worship and preparation for Christmas as our choir sings Bach's Cantata 61 Nun komm der Heiden Heiland - Saviour of the Nations, Come, The service will be available through YouTube. As we move into cold and flu season as […]
Advent Chapel
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaIn this season of Advent we gather to pray for peace - in our world, in our lives - as we wait and watch for the Holy One. Through readings, song and prayer and the lighting of candles we set this time apart from the busyness of our days. Our ability to continue […]