Mid-day Prayer
OnlineJoin members of the community for mid-day prayer on Zoom at 12:15 PM. For about 20 minutes we pause to hear scripture read and to pray for what’s on our […]
Tuesday Meditation Group
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaThe Tuesday Meditation Group meets for half an hour, starting at 12:15 PM in the chancel. Join in this peaceful mid-week reflection as often as you are able. If you […]
Prayers from Home
OnlineAll are invited to a time of prayer each Wednesday when a printed order for daily prayer will be posted on the website early in the morning. It will contain […]
Mid-day Prayer
OnlineJoin members of the community for mid-day prayer on Zoom at 12:15 PM. For about 20 minutes we pause to hear scripture read and to pray for what’s on our […]
Merton and Me: A Living Trinity
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaMerton and Me: A Living Trinity Redeemer Explorers is delighted to announce a performance of this one-act, one-man play by New York-based actor, playwright, and retreat leader Douglas Hertler. “Merton […]
Mid-day Prayer
OnlineJoin members of the community for mid-day prayer on Zoom at 12:15 PM. For about 20 minutes we pause to hear scripture read and to pray for what’s on our […]
Mid-day Prayer
OnlineJoin members of the community for mid-day prayer on Zoom at 12:15 PM. For about 20 minutes we pause to hear scripture read and to pray for what’s on our […]
Mid-day Prayer
OnlineJoin members of the community for mid-day prayer on Zoom at 12:15 PM. For about 20 minutes we pause to hear scripture read and to pray for what’s on our […]
Sunday Worship – Online at 9 AM
OnlineGathering online, our virtual doors open at 8.45 AM for conversation. Bring a cup of coffee or tea and join in through Zoom as the community prepares for worship together. […]
Sung Eucharist at 10:30 AM
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaArrive early to enjoy a cup of coffee and a snack as part of the pre-service fellowship. At 10:30 AM, we gather for worship: a homily, hymns, and choral music […]