A Service of Darkness
This Service of Darkness - invites us to focus on the shadows that occupy much of the space in Holy Week. With a glance towards the crucifixion and resurrection of […]
Maundy Thursday Holy Eucharist and Garden Watch
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaWe wash the disciples’ feet, we remember the Last Supper, we strip the altar, and we watch and pray in the garden. Our Maundy Thursday service marks the beginning of the three […]
Good Friday Liturgy for All Ages
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaThis Good Friday service is intergenerational welcoming all ages! We gather in the church and on YouTube. Things you will need for the service: The Bulletin for Good Friday at […]
Good Friday
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaWe gather in the church building and online through YouTube to hear the story of Jesus' death on the cross and are invited to draw near; choral music, readings, a […]
The Great Vigil
The light from the new fire is carried into the church; the stories of faith are told through word and song; scripture is opened for us through the sermon and […]
Easter Celebration on Zoom at 9 AM
OnlineGathering online, our virtual doors open at 8.45 AM for conversation. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join in through Zoom as the community prepares for worship together. […]
Easter Celebration at 10:30 AM
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaToday we gather for worship in the church building and through our Youtube channel. We proclaim loud Alleluias as we celebrate the resurrection this Easter morning. To prepare for the […]
Compline – Online
OnlineThe community gathers for a short service of Compline - the church's tradition of bedtime prayer - through Zoom on Sunday nights at 8 PM and send each other off […]
Mid-day Prayer
OnlineJoin members of the community for mid-day prayer on Zoom at 12:15 PM. For about 20 minutes we pause to hear scripture read and to pray for what’s on our […]
Tuesday Meditation Group
The Redeemer (main level) 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Ontario, CanadaThe Tuesday Meditation Group meets for half an hour, starting at 12:15 PM in the chancel. Join in this peaceful mid-week reflection as often as you are able. If you […]