My Redeemer: Year-end Giving
My Redeemer is ... an opportunity to reflect on this aspect of our community life. How would you answer this question? It is an opportunity to realize Listen »
My Redeemer is ... an opportunity to reflect on this aspect of our community life. How would you answer this question? It is an opportunity to realize Listen »
Common Table, COVID-19, News, Stewardship
As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, "Stay with us, Listen »
Church of the Redeemer
Anglican Church of Canada
162 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON M5S 1M4
416-922-4948 (telephone)
416-922-0375 (fax)
9am - Sunday Worship Online
10:30am - Sung Eucharist in the Church
7pm - Evening Worship in the Church
8:00pm - Compline Online