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Season of Creation: EarthSong
Sunday, October 1, 2023, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
This service of readings, music and prayers launches our annual Season of Creation. Alanna Mitchell, acclaimed Canadian science journalist, author and playwright, will speak on this year’s theme, “Listen to the Voices of Creation.” Invite your friends and attend this in-person and live-streamed service. All are welcome to stay afterward for refreshments and conversation!
As we move into cold and flu season as well as increasing COVID case counts, wearing a mask in the church is welcomed as part of our care for one another.
Things you will need for the service: The Bulletin for EarthSong
Our ability to gather for worship, fellowship and formation and to support the many outreach ministries that are integral to our call to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world is possible thanks to the generous donations of parishioners and friends of the community. If you would like to share in this on-going work, your gifts are gratefully received. Thank you for your generosity.