Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday Homily by Steven Mackison Listen »
I was first drawn to the Redeemer community in 1999 and served as the Associate Priest, then priest in charge while the community sought a new incumbent. During that time, I fell in love with the community; its passion for justice, its care for the poor and homeless, its deep sense of reverence and beauty in worship, its commitment to go deeper in relationship with God and one another through a theology grounded in scripture and sacrament, its deep appreciation and moving expression of joy through music, and the sincerity and openness with which it embraces diversity. Those passions have been with me ever since.
Now that I have returned as the incumbent, I look forward to what God is calling us to be as we witness to the world the transforming power of Jesus Christ in all that we say and do.
January 14, 2024 | Steven Mackison
The homily starts at 27.45. Listen »
December 25, 2023 | Steven Mackison
The homily begins at 26.40 in the service. Listen »
November 26, 2023 | Steven Mackison
To watch the entire service, click here. Listen »
November 5, 2023 | Steven Mackison
Homily by the Venerable Steven Mackison starts at 36.15. Listen »
September 10, 2023 | Steven Mackison
The homily begins at 38.35 Listen »
Church of the Redeemer
Anglican Church of Canada
162 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON M5S 1M4
416-922-4948 (telephone)
416-922-0375 (fax)
9am - Sunday Worship Online
10:30am - Sung Eucharist in the Church
7pm - Evening Worship in the Church
8:00pm - Compline Online