Mapping the Ground We Stand On is an interactive educational resource developed by the Primate’s World Relief & Development Fund/PWRDF in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action. The workshop on Saturday, October 23 from 2:00 to 4:30 PM, offers Indigenous and settler participants an opportunity to explore their historic and current place on the map of Canada and their relationship to one another.
The online version of the Mapping Exercise uses elements of animation, stories, videos, breakout rooms and plenary format to offer opportunities for learning and reflection on the concepts of Terra Nullius (Empty Land), the Doctrine of Discovery, and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge. This experience enables individuals and groups to imagine what personal and collective journeys toward a just, respectful and healing relationship might look like.
The online workshop will be led by Suzanne Rumsey of PWRDF, a co-facilitator and with the help of an Indigenous elder. Register here, it is limited to 20 participants. A Zoom link will be sent to participants several days prior to the workshop.