Size Typology – What Does That Mean?
What kind of a congregation is the Church of the Redeemer? There are lots of ways to answer this question. One that has been employed recently in a Listen »
What kind of a congregation is the Church of the Redeemer? There are lots of ways to answer this question. One that has been employed recently in a Listen »
On June 9, 2018, the Diocese of Toronto will elect a Coadjutor Bishop who will become the 12th Diocesan Bishop. In preparation for this, on June 1 all Listen »
The Rev'd David Giffen, on behalf of the Bishop, is pleased to announce that Roshni Jayawardena will be joining us on May 1, 2018 as our new Assistant Listen »
We look forward to welcoming Nathan Wall as our new Scholar in Residence, responsible for Adult Christian Formation. Five years ago Nate moved to Listen »
It is our joy to share the news that The Rev’d Susan Haig has been appointed associate priest at Church of the Redeemer, effective Thursday, March 15. Listen »
Earlier this summer, our youth group participated in an exchange experience with youth groups from St George's on the Hill (Toronto) and St Mary with Listen »
For all who served water before the Pride parade started and helped with set-up and take-down of the water station: thank you. For all who walked in Listen »
On Sunday, July 25th at our 9:30am service, we were delighted to welcome members from St. George's on the Hill (Toronto), St Mary with St Mark Listen »
We're excited to announce that Ali McIntosh has joined our staff as Pastoral Associate for Youth and Young Adults, starting July 1st. Feeling called Listen »
Kiefer has been part of the facilities staff and drop-in program for a number of years, and we are pleased to announce his new role as facility Listen »
Church of the Redeemer
Anglican Church of Canada
162 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON M5S 1M4
416-922-4948 (telephone)
416-922-0375 (fax)
9am - Sunday Worship Online
10:30am - Sung Eucharist in the Church
7pm - Evening Worship in the Church
8:00pm - Compline Online